To achieve Meaningful Use, each eligible provider must meet all 15 Core Objectives and 5 Menu Objectives.
One of the Menu Objectives must be a Public Health measure. Do you administer any immunizations (including flu shots)? If so, you will need to report on the Immunization Registry measure (Menu #9) and will need to send the immunization data to Florida Shots electronically either via an interface through your EHR or by working directly with Florida Shots and submitting the data in HL7 format. Please ask your Clinical Analyst about your next steps.
If you do not administer any immunizations, you can either claim the exclusion to the Immunization Registry measure (Menu #9) or to the Syndromic Surveillance measure (Menu #10). At this time, the Florida Department of Health is unable to receive Syndromic Surveillance data electronically, which means that you can claim an exclusion to this measure (Menu #10).
If you have completed your 90-day reporting period for the Medicare Incentive in 2011 and have already attested, what’s next?
The second year reporting period for the Medicare Incentive requires meeting all 15 Core Objectives and 5 Menu Objectives for an entire calendar year. If you successfully attested to Meaningful Use in 2011, your second year reporting period began on January 1, 2012 and will go through December 31, 2012. The percentage thresholds will be the same as they were for the first year of reporting and will take an average of the entire year. Make sure you routinely check your Meaningful Use reports to ensure all measures are above the requirements.
Your Clinical Analyst can help keep you and your practice on track to meet your second year reporting period. Eligible providers for the Medicare Incentive can receive up to $12,000 for the second year of participation!