National Health IT Week 2012

September 10, 2012 by
UCF REC is a Proud Partner in National Health IT Week 2012 This September, UCF REC — as a partner in the advancement of health information technology to help improve healthcare — is joining approximately 200 public and private sector organizations to participate in the 7th Annual National Health IT Week (September 10-14, 2012). What is National Health […]

Helpful Tips for FL SHOTS

September 5, 2012 by
The Agency for Healthcare Administration has provided the following updates on Menu Measure #9 and the Immunization Registry: Providers can call or write the FL Shots Help Desk for written confirmation of immunization batch submissions. This confirmation should be uploaded as part of the application. The time and date of the batch submission will be […]

CMS Releases Final Stage 2 Rule

August 24, 2012 by
On August 23, the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services announced the final rule for Stage 2 of meaningful use in the EHR Incentive Payments Program. This announcement marks the next step in transforming America’s health care system to a health IT-enabled one. As the REC for the Central Florida, we wanted to make you […]

Regional Extension Center Receives Additional Funding

August 16, 2012 by
 The College of Medicine’s Regional Extension Center (REC), which is helping local physicians adopt and use electronic health records, has received an additional $812,000 in federal funding to expand its efforts. In addition, the REC received $150,000 from the state to help local dentists use electronic records to improve patient care in medically underserved areas. […]

CMS contractor begins meaningful use audits

July 27, 2012 by
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services (CMS) announced that a third party contractor, Figliozzi and Company, will be conducting meaningful use audits for CMS. Providers who are selected for an audit will receive a letter from Figliozzi and Company with the CMS logo on the letterhead advising them that they have been selected for […]

Make Sure You’re Secure!

July 27, 2012 by
Remember that the CMS measure states that providers must conduct or review a security risk analysis in accordance with the requirements under 45 CFR 164.308(a)(1), implement security updates as necessary and correct identified security deficiencies as part of its risk management process. Contrary to what many vendors are telling our Eligible Providers, simply using a […]

Meaningful Use Quick Tips

July 26, 2012 by
To achieve Meaningful Use, each eligible provider must meet all 15 Core Objectives and 5 Menu Objectives. One of the Menu Objectives must be a Public Health measure. Do you administer any immunizations (including flu shots)? If so, you will need to report on the Immunization Registry measure (Menu #9) and will need to send the […]

MOROF Meaningful Use Panel Discussion – Sign Up Today!

July 12, 2012 by
Medical Office Resources of Florida (MOROF) has invited the UCF Regional Extension Center to participate in an upcoming Panel Discussion on Stage 1 Meaningful Use.  This meeting is open to all healthcare professionals. Meeting Date: July 26, 2012 Meeting Time: 7:30 am – 9:00 am Meeting Location: Sam Snead’s Tavern (Restaurant is opening exclusively for […]

Tips for Federal and State EHR Incentive Programs

July 1, 2012 by
It’s not too late to begin participating in the federal Medicare Incentive Program and receive the full incentive of $44,000 over a five year period! To receive the maximum incentive, eligible providers must begin participation no later than 2012. First-year requirements include meeting the Meaningful Use objectives over a 90-day reporting period. Beginning in the […]

Partner Physicians Visit White House To Laud Electronic Health Records

June 21, 2012 by
Two Central Florida doctors who are leaders in the UCF Regional Extension Center’s (REC) effort to adopt electronic health records gathered at the White House Tuesday for a conference on how technology can help improve patient care. Dr. Amish Parikh and Dr. Marvin Hardy were among approximately 80 health information technology pacesetters from across the […]