Work flow analysis critical after EHR purchase

April 29, 2013 by
An accurate mapping of the process patients encounter through clinical visits and care episodes helps practices identify waste and areas that need improvement.   A lot of assumptions are made about how an electronic health record system will help a practice achieve certain outcomes or reach particular goals. But the only way to determine whether […]

2013 Annual Staff Assembly

April 19, 2013 by
Bill Scoltock, UCF Regional Extension Center Accountant, also takes on the role as the President of the UCF USPS Staff Council. Mr. Scoltock has been President of the Staff Council for the past four years.   What is the UCF USPS Staff Council? Mission The UCF University Support Personnel System (USPS) Staff Council is a […]

Local Doctors Honored for Meaningful Use of Health Technology

April 16, 2013 by
In an increasingly wired and digital age, more and more aspects of our lives are now “plugged in,” including the doctor’s office. The UCF College of Medicine’s Regional Extension Center (REC) is working with medical practices throughout Central Florida to switch from paper to electronic health record (EHR) systems. On April 4, the REC honored […]

Cloud gets high marks on security

April 11, 2013 by
With an average satisfaction score of 4.5 out of 5 on security, cloud users feel safe. Non-cloud users though remain at bay-particularly with many questions still looming around the future of cloud computing in healthcare. The conclusions are from a recent report from research firm KLAS. Cloud Computing Perception 2013: The Hybrid Cloud in Healthcare looks at the […]

ONC’s ‘Three A’s’ Plan to promote engagement through e-Health

April 3, 2013 by
Farzad Mostashari and colleagues from the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, lay out their “Three A’s” strategy to support consumer engagement through e-Health in a Health Affairs article. Those A’s: access, action and attitudes. Mostashari & Co. acknowledge “the full potential of consumer e-health is far from realized and may not even yet […]

Program Year 2013 Medicaid Meaningful Use Attestations

April 2, 2013 by
The system changes necessary to upgrade MAPIR (the online Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Program application) to reflect Program Year 2013 changes for Meaningful Use have not been completed.  Until such time these changes are in place, Eligible Professionals will need to wait to start their 2013 Meaningful Use applications.   The new Stage Two […]

ONC releases health information exchange toolkit for rural providers

April 1, 2013 by
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) has announced the release of a new rural health information exchange (HIE) toolkit. ONC’s National Rural Health Resource Center has made available a set of “practical” HIE resources that ONC officials say they hope will be distributed widely to rural health stakeholders, including State Offices of Rural […]

iBlueButton hops across the pond

March 28, 2013 by
  San Diego-based Humetrix, developer of the iBlueButton mobile platform, has been invited by the the National Health Service to present a UK version of the technology at the NHS Innovation Expo 2013. This newest version of iBlueButton will enable UK citizens to use their smartphones to access and share their personal health records with […]

Mostashari: 3 Interoperability Questions

March 28, 2013 by
Achieving interoperability is a ‘shared responsibility,’ says national coordinator for health IT   Interoperability was one of the most talked about topics throughout HIMSS 2013 Annual Conference and Exhibition last week. The Interoperability Showcase proved to be as popular as ever with many use cases on display, recurring tours and speakers slated every half hour. There was also the […]

Sequester will hit EHR incentive program

March 12, 2013 by
The fiscal trap that members of Congress and the president set for themselves will punch a 2% hole in one of the federal electronic health-record incentive payment programs under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, a federal official has confirmed. The cuts, called the sequester, include an across-the-board reduction in Medicare payments. EHR incentive payments […]